Frequently Asked Questions 

So I don't have to keep on answering the same asks! 

1. Are you okay with fan art of the AU? 

Of course!! Fan art is always welcome! 

2. Are you accepting scene redraw requests? 

Yes! There isn't a 100% chance I'll get to it, but I'm always open to suggestions

Look at my cat :) 

MLP Fankid AU

RainbowFalls AU

1. Are you doing Apple Pie? Why if not? 

The two characters have several EPISODES dedicated to exploring their cousinly bond. They won't be shipped. 

2. Will you still do a Pinkie Pie & AJ fusion? 


3. Will any of the other ship kids be humanized? 

If I find the time, I'll work on more humanizations

4. What is the relationship between the fankids? Do they all know each other? 

They all exist in the same universe (Mane 6 polygam AU) they all view each other like siblings or cousins 

5. Will you be doing (XYZ) Ship? 

I will be doing any MLP ship requests on my own time now that mane 6 x mane 6 is done. Asking for a specific ship in my strawpage probably won't make me more likely to do it. 

6. What are the ages of the ship kids? 

I haven't decided on exact numbers yet. for now, everyone is an adult until stated otherwise. 

7. Can you draw (XYZ)?

 I probably will do a doodle if asked! 

8. Are comms open? Is there an estimated open date? 

I'll be busy between vacationing for a week and starting up school next month, so no estimated open date. 

9. Are you making a  thread of all the OCS? 

My thread is probably in my pinned!